More than 80 youngsters and 16 local fishing boats took part in this year’s Ramsgate RNLI Junior Fishing Competition.

The annual event, which has been supported by London Array since 2018, raised a record £11,388 for the charity’s life-saving work at sea.
The offshore wind farm, which is operated by global renewable energy leader RWE, supplied goodie bags for all the competitors, and for the skippers who gave their time, fuel and skills free of charge.
As well as having a great day out while raising money for the RNLI, the children received a number of awards, which were presented by Councillor Pat Moore, the Mayor of Ramsgate. The prize-giving was followed by tours of the lifeboat station and lifeboat, and a raffle and barbeque with music supplied by a local DJ.
London Array was represented at the event by General Manager James Vause and his colleague Sarah Higgs.
James said: “It was a great day and it’s obvious how linked and engaged Ramsgate RNLI is with the local community. There was a real buzz to the event and a whole host of different people pitched in to make it a success.
“As our wind farm is located 20km off the Kent coast, we are acutely aware of the risks of working offshore and we are grateful to the RNLI and its volunteers for helping to keep everyone safe at sea.”
The event is organised by local fisherman and RNLI crew member Jason Parrott and his wife Dawn.