Coastal week flagship event shines light on Ramsgate Harbour’s array of working boats

London Array will be one of the leading attractions at Kent’s Coastal Week flagship event at Ramsgate Harbour on Sunday 28th October.

Come down to the event, near to Custom House, between 10am and 4pm to find out more about the high-tech vessels being used to build the wind farm.  There will also be opportunities to climb aboard one of the state-of-the-art crew vessels to talk to team members about the challenges of working in the outer Thames Estuary.

While London Array leads the way in offshore construction skills, its displays will also recall the many historic working boats and vessels, which were once familiar sights within the town’s Royal Harbour.  There will also be children’s activities – all reflecting a maritime theme – to keep younger visitors entertained.

The flagship event, which is also backed by Ramsgate Town Council and Thanet Coastal Project, will also feature the popular Scandalmongers who will host Storytelling Treasure Trails on Ramsgate Main Sands.  Meanwhile, Forever Ramsgate, organised by Ramsgate Arts, will take a theatrical approach to highlight the town’s history in two guided walks starting from the Custom House.

More than 50 different events are planned for Kent’s Coastal Week 2012, which runs from Saturday October 27th to Sunday November 4th, celebrating the history and importance of the county’s 350-mile shoreline.  These include talks and events, exhibitions and workshops, as well as themed guided walks and tours.  For more information go to or call 08458 247600.

Kent’s Coastal Week is organised by Kent County Council and sponsored by London Array, Southern Water and funding from the European Union.