Final turbine installed at London Array
On the 13th December the the 175th and last turbine at the first 630MW phase of the London Array Offshore Wind Farm was installed, marking the end of major construction activities.
Turbine installation began in January 2012 and has been completed by MPI Discovery, A2SEA’s Sea Worker and Sea Jack.

Discovery installing the 175th and last turbine at the 630MW London Array Offshore Wind Farm
With all turbines in place and 55 connected and supplying power to the national grid, the wind farm is on track to be fully operational in Spring 2013. The wind farm has been generating energy since October 2012 when the first turbine began producing power.
The installation of the last turbine at London Array is the culmination of a huge amount of effort and coordination by everyone involved in the project. This year alone 84 foundations, 175 wind turbines, 178 array cables and three export cables have been installed at the project. London Array is now focusing on the commissioning and testing of the remaining turbines before the project is handed over to the Operations and Maintenance team in 2013.

To read the press release click here.