Download the most recent Notice of Operations.
Notice of Operations at London Array
We work closely with local and national organisations to minimise London Array’s impact on shipping activities in the outer Thames Estuary during operations. Regular update Notices are issued to:
- Local Fisheries
- Port of London Authority
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Ramsgate and Thanet Port Control
- UK Hydrographic Office and Trinity House
- Ramsgate Lifeboat Services
The Notices include details of our current operational activities and whereabouts in the Estuary we’ll be working, as well as information about the vessels being used. The Notices are issued every week.
You can also access all past Notices here.
Contact Details
The Marine Coordinators office is manned daily from 06:00hrs to 18:00hrs,
and can be contacted on +44 01843 855 795 or marinecoordinators@londonarray.com
Notice to Fishermen
Code of Practice for fishing boats and fishing within the wind farm –
To keep fishing boats and other vessels safe, including London Array work vessels, we ask all commercial fishing boats to follow our Code of Practice.
For latest navigational position, refer to ‘Notice to Mariners’.
Operations & Maintenance Information
Operations and Maintenance –
We’ll be carrying out routine operations and maintenance activities to keep the wind farm up and running, managed from our dedicated Operations & Maintenance (O&M) facility at Ramsgate Harbour.
You can download more O&M information here.