Sponsorship Fuels Pilgrims Hospices Care

Early estimates indicate more than £100,000 has been raised to support the work of the Pilgrims Hospices, thanks to nearly 1,200 cyclists, a team of volunteers and a range of organisations – including London Array.

We were pleased to be one of a group of the sponsors backing the event, which raises enough money to cover nearly 5,000 hours of nursing care for the hospices’ residents.

Cyclists pedalled a mixture of distances to support the Kent-based hospices, ranging from 45 to 125 miles.

Robert Grew, Events Fundraiser for the Pilgrims Hospices, said: “It is a tremendous achievement on behalf of all the event participants – with a chilly start to a long day, it couldn’t have been easy. There was an incredible atmosphere at the event, and we are truly grateful for all the time and effort put in, and of course the money raised for essential care.

“We would like to thank everyone involved, including our sponsors. Without the generosity of their support, this event would not be possible.”

The Pilgrims Hospices provide care and support for people with long-term incurable illnesses and their families in East Kent.

Bob Smith, General Manager of London Array, added: “The service Pilgrims Hospices offer is incredibly valuable, and we have been pleased to support them for a number of years.

“The cyclists and volunteers that took part are a real credit to their communities and we’d like to offer our congratulations to them all.”

To find out more about the hospices see www.pilgrimshospices.org or to see pictures from the event click here.